To view any photograph, simply click on the reference number in the left hand column and the photo will open in a separate window.
WI0601 |
Witheridge Scouts in the early 1930s. Derek Nott, Bill Williams, Rev Castlehow, Paul Williams.
WI0602 |
Rev J A S Castlehow: Accompanying note: This holiday only cost each boy 30 shillings saved up from small coins for running errands. The main cost
was raised by a Scout concert held in the Angel Hotel ballroom, and by scouts selling vegetables produced from the Vicarage garden. Mr.
Harry Perry was the gardener at the time who would dig the vegetables, the boys would clean and bunch ready to be sold around the village
on the Scout handcart.
WI0603 |
Scout Camp at Mamhead in the 1930s. Left to right : Reg Nott, Roy Gunn, George Knight, ? Maynard.
WI0604 |
Hungary in 1933. Reg Newman, Bill Williams, Ivan Nott (Front row L to R).
WI0605 |
Mamhead Park 1935. D Whittock, Roy Gunn, Ivan Nott, Les Bourne, D Nott. Sir Henry Slessor with scouts from Witheridge and Chulmleigh troops.
WI0606 |
Scouts at Mamhead 1930s. Percy Holloway, Les Bourne, Bill Williams, Percy Brewer, George Knight.
WI0607 |
Witheridge Scouts. Rev J A S Castlehow, Bob Buchanan, Trevor Champion, Tony Pyke.
WI0608 |
Gordon Pyne at Scout Jamboree at Pynes Park.
WI0609 |
Scouts at Mamhead. Norman Chapple, Eric Manley, Gordon Pyne, Cedric Tudball.
WI0610 |
Rev J A S Castlehow, with, from left Joe Dalliday, Fred Widson, Charlie Burnett. (Joe and Charlie were evacuees).
WI0611 |
Scouts in France 1939. E and W Darch, Rev Castlehow, Bill Williams, Bill Dyer, Paul Williams.
WI0611a |
Crossing a stream on the ascent of the AlmanAlp. Left to Right: Hutchings, R Nott, Dryer, Williams
WI0611b |
Armenian Scout Hut (Jacques Chapman)
WI0611c |
WI0611d |
Scouts in France
WI0611e |
WI0611f |
WI0612 |
F Bryant and G.Reed
F Kingdom, George Knight, J.Ford, C Gard
S Ford, A Buckingham, R Cox, C Bowden.
WI0613 |
Married Footballers. F Ford, W Perry, C Reed,
W Pyne, A .Bryant, J.Ford,
S Ware, F Kingdom, L Davie, B Stenner, L Baker. (1930s)
Witheridge Association Football Club was founded just after the 1914/18 war, and played on various fields before coming to rest on the
present day sports field. The photographs were taken in the early 1930s, and show the two teams turning out for the Married v Singles
WI0614 |
Top row left to right: Francis Brewer, Douglas Venner, Jack Payne, Leslie Bourne, Bill Burton, Joe Burrows, Bill Teague, Donald Southcott..
Front row left to right: Bert Tucker, Tommy Boax, Peter Tout.
WI0615 |
Stood. Francis Brewer, Jack Pulman, Peter Tout, Henry Sanders, Douglas Venner, Jim Langabeer, Charlie Jones (Trainer).
Kneeling: Gordon Pyne, Leslie Bourne, Eric Manley, Francis Venner.
WI0616 |
Football Club fundraising 1950s.
Back row from left: Charlie Jones, Joan Arscott, Stella Andrews, Tom Tout, Roy Manley, Frank Macklin.
Middle row from left: Joan Aplin, Mrs Greenslade, Freda Tout, Joan Brent, Norman Coles, Margaret Coles, Eileen Bryant, Bim Leach.
Kneeling from left: Pearl Coles, Ann Godfrey, Thelma Selley.
On ground from left: Jim Langabeer, Perce Somerwell, Les Pyne, Eric Manley, Peter Tout, Norman Payne, John Greenslade.
WI0617 |
Back from left: Charlie Jones, Eric Manley, Frank Macklin, Norman Payne, Bill Hill, Bill Bolt.
Middle from left: Gordon Pyne, Norman Chapple,
Front from left: Henry Rowcliffe, ? Burd, Peter Tout, Norman Coles, Leslie Pyne.
WI0618 |
Devon and Exeter Premier Cup May 2000. Willand.
Back from left: Julian Snow, Steve Rice, Paul Ogilvie, Richard Harris, Mike Taylor, Steve Lethbridge, Matthew Cann, Shaun Phillips, Scott Brimilcombe.
Front from left: Adrian Smith, Mark Vellacott, Mike Tapp, Nick McGowan, Paul Vanstone, Anthony Vigus, Andre Pike.
WI0619 |
Yellow and Green. Mini Soccer Under 11s.
Christopher Burrow, Charlie Stone, Alec Clarke, Tom Gunn, Jacob Ringer, Ian Bucknell, James Paxton, Richard Burrow, Darren Greenslade,
Andrew Stone (trainer).
WI0620 |
Orange and Black. Under 12s. 2000.
Dale Webb, Robert Sibley, Jack Tweedie, Bertie Tweedie, Jacob Prangnell, James Hosegood, Christopher Linzell, Ricky Chappell, Matthew
Weeks, Ross Stanley, Jamie Spurway. Sponsors:Geoffrey Hosegood and Keith Prangnell. Andre Pike : Trainer.
WI0621 |
Okehampton Cup May 2000. Okehampton.
President D Chatfield: Chairman T Cumes: Captain P Vanstone: Manager A Pike.
WI0622 |
East Devon Senior Cup May 2000. Topsham.
Back from left: Adrian Smith, Mike Tapp, Nick McGowan, Matthew Cann, Steve Lethbridge, Scott Brimilcombe, Paul Ogilvie, Julian Snow,
Steve Rice.
Front from left: Richard Harris, Andre Pike, Mark Vellacott, Mike Taylor, Paul Vanstone, Shaun Phillips, Anthony Vigus.
WI0623 |
Taw Vale Beagles at Cannington. 2000. Geoffrey Cox (Master), Harry Higgs (Kennel man).
WI0624 |
Loading. Taw Vale Beagles in 2000.
WI0625 |
1960s Badminton. John Usmar, Winston and Phyllis Maunder, Joan Smyth, Queenie and Gordie Pyne, Angela Maunder, Stephanie Selley, Jill
Follett, Pat Smyth.
WI0626 |
1928 The Bowling Green. Left to right: Mr J .Leach, Mr F Leach, Mr C Leach, Mr F Bryant, Mr G H Selley, Mr Cook.
The first Witheridge Bowling Club was formed in 1914. A notice in the Tiverton Gazette of the 17th February 1914, reported that the Rev.
J P Benson had presided over a meeting of the Bowling Club committee at which rules were presented for discussion. They decided to get
estimates for a pavilion, and to open their new ground after Easter. The new ground lay at the back of the Manse behind the Congregational
Chapel, and was leased. At a further meeting on 31st March, tenders for rolling and cutting the ground twice a week were considered, and
the lowest, of £5.5s.0d. from Mr Fred Leach, was accepted. It was reported that the Vicar had given timber for a pavilion and that Mr H.
Way had offered to erect it for out of pocket expenses. In April, 80 people attended a dance in the Assembly Rooms, raising £2 in aid of
the new Bowling Club. In its history, the club included a number of County players; among them have been Mr Frank Lawrence, Mr Francis
Venner, Mr Dick Cox and Mr W S Selley.

WI0627 |
Left to right: Mr Richard Cox, Mr Dai Taylor, Mr Stephen Selley, Mr Frank Lawrence.
WI0628 |
Includes Charlie Leach, Jim Leach, George Selley.
WI0629 |
From right: G H Selley, E Hutchings, F Maunder, Charles Leach, Russell Leach.
WI0630 |
Bowls Club.
Ernest Hutchings, Robert Parkhouse, ? , Bill Mann, Bill Geen, Bill Norrish, A L Knight, Jack Leach, Andrew McKenzie, Henry Taylor, Sir
Douglas McNair, Frank Leach, William Lake, Frank Lawrence, Dick Cox, Jim Leach, Harold Parkhouse, George Palmer, Stephen Selley, Fred
Bryant, Isaac Kerslake, Hugh Maunder, Bert Cox, Dai Taylor, Leslie Baker.
WI0630a |
Bowls Club.
Ernest Hutchings, Robert Parkhouse, ? , Bill Mann, Bill Geen, Bill Norrish, A L Knight, Jack Leach, Andrew McKenzie, Henry Taylor, Sir
Douglas McNair, Frank Leach, William Lake, Frank Lawrence, Dick Cox, Jim Leach, Harold Parkhouse, George Palmer, Stephen Selley, Fred
Bryant, Isaac Kerslake, Hugh Maunder, Bert Cox, Dai Taylor, Leslie Baker.
WI0631 |
Taken at the opening of the Bowling Pavilion in 1948. From top, Left to right: Charlie Leach, Mr .Morrish, Bill Gold, Dai Taylor, Stephen
Selley, Sgt .George Palmer, Mr .Geen, Winston Maunder, Bert Knight, Jim Leach, Dick Cox, Ernest Hutchings, Bert Cox, John Benson, Frank
Lawrence, Sir Dennis Stuckley, Jack Leach, Leslie Baker, Isaac Kerslake, Donald Aplin, Fred Bryant.
Accompanying cutting dated 28 May 1935.
At Witheridge on Saturday and won by 38 shots. Scores:
TIVERTON A E Melhuish, L Chaffey, C Foss, C Hamlin 7/26
J Sharland, H Bennett, G Pengelly, W J Fewings 22/12
T Dymond, R Squire, J Rawle, G Purrington 23/26
C Wood, E Broomfield, S Axhorn, J Fewings 9/35
C Leach, J Ford, J Leach, F K .Leach 26/7
W Rice, A Bryant, T Leach, F Leach 12/22
H Whitfield, B Adams, F Lawrence, E Hutchings 26/23
F Maunder, G Selley, F Balsen, L Selley 35/9
WI0632 |
Witheridge Bowlers
Back row: Frank Lawrence, Bill Buchanan, Bert Adams, Arthur Bryant, Jim Leach, Fred Ford.
Middle row: William Lake, Frank Maunder, Jack Leach, Fred Leach, Gordon Keith, Frank Leach.
Front row: Charlie Leach, ? , Les Baker.
Accompanying cutting dated 2-2-1914.
At a meeting of the Bowling Club, in the National School, the Vicar presided. The Hon secretary (Mr G H Pullen) made a statement of the
formation of the Club, and read letters from well wishers, among whom were Dr M Cutcliffe (Dawlish), Messrs Ian Amory, M F H Cottrell
(Hon. Secretary Tiverton B.C.), and W Howe (Hon. secretary South Molton B.C.). It was decided that bona fide working men of the parish
should be allowed the use of the green during the evenings on the payment of 2d. The following officers were elected: President, the
Rev J P .Benson; captain, Dr A Houghton; vice-captain, Mr A Andrews; Committee, Messrs W Carter, H J Mansfield, F Maunder, W Lee and G H
Selley, with Mr G H Pullen as Hon. secretary and treasurer.
WI0633 |
Witheridge Cricket Club 1947, played at Thelbridge.
Back row: Rob Palmer, Tony Cruwys, Bernard Johnson, Stan Selley, (Capt.), Bill Bond, Harry Pinfold, Ron Lewis.
Middle row: Arthur Hill, Ian Milton, Reg Nott.
Front row: Frank Clark, John Bryant, Stan Oram, PC Fred Godfrey.
WI0634 |
The Tennis Club was founded in June 1898. They played on 3 courts on rented ground behind the Manse. Players identified include Annie
Trawin, Connie Selley, Phyllis Andrews, Vera Selley, Wilfred Comins, and Kitty Way.
WI0635 |
Grass tennis court. The house, now South Park, was the Chapel Manse. The ground is now part of Appletree Close.
WI0636 |
This group was taken soon after 1925, that same year that Rev J A S Castlehow came to the village as Vicar. The players from left to
right are: Rev Castlehow, Mrs.C.Thorne, Mr.W.Maunder, Miss R.Baker, Mr.S.Thorne and Miss N.Thorne.
WI0637 |
June 2002. Opening of the Sports Club. From left: Andre Pyke, Chris Cole, Terry Ford, Peter Jones, Terry Cumes, Nora James, Andrew Ayre,
Colin Pyke, Peter Blight, Steve Wreyford, Joey Brimacombe.
WI0638 |
June 2002. Opening of the Sports Club.
WI0639 |
Tennis Players, Misses Constance and Vera Selley outside Cypress House around 1925
WI0640 |
Mr and Mrs Rogers on their Golden Wedding Anniversary in 1928
WI0641 |
East Essebere Farmhouse
WI0642 |
Mrs Benson
WI0643 |
Mr Rogers (Vigilo)
WI0644 |
Mrs Irene Way, Betty Way and Corporal Swan (Swannie) |
WI0645 |
WI0646 |
WI0647 |
WI0648 |
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WI0650 |